Transformative, Inc. brings together a team of highly experienced regenerative designers & planners project developers, attorneys, financial innovators & advisors, eco-social entrepreneurs, researchers, thought leaders, and experts in fields of climate, water, agriculture, energy, climate, technology, supply chain, smart city planning, construction, infrastructure and finance.


MARK CHASAN, CHAIRMAN & CEO - Mark is a whole-systems visionary integrator and regenerative practitioner with a track record as 1) a lawyer with over 30-years of experience in corporate, finance, business, media, technology and renewable energy (Chasan & Associates, Exemplar), 2) an Internet entrepreneur & innovator with a public exit (Founder & CEO of Emusic) and two M&As (Sharecomm and Publex Ventures); 3) a Fortune 25 executive (Leader of IBM’s Digital Media Consulting Practice); 4) a renewable energy structured finance executive (VP of Business Development and General Counsel for Clean Fund); and 5) a financial advisor who has participated in over $500 million of financial transactions.

As CEO of Transformative, Mark is devoted to accelerating and exponentiating the success of eco-social entrepreneurs and Core Regenerative Enterprises and Projects (“CREPs”), as well as providing innovative financing solutions and multi-stakeholder collaboration to foster the multi-trillion-dollar “Regenerative Economy.”